Kompaniya yangiliklari

  • Pirrolidin 123-75-1 ishlab chiqarish narxi

    Pyrrolidine 123-75-1 manufacture price There are enough stock, high quality and faster delivery. More quantity with more discount. Any requirements, welcome to contact us at any time. Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: alia@starskychemical.com info@...
    Ko'proq o'qish
  • Rodiy nitrat 10139-58-9 ishlab chiqarish narxi

    Rhodium(III) nitrate 10139-58-9   There are enough stock, high quality and faster delivery. More quantity with more discount. Any requirements, welcome to contact us at any time.    Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: alia@starskychemical.com ...
    Ko'proq o'qish
  • 5-Hidroksimetilfurfural/5-HMF 67-47-0 ishlab chiqarish narxi

    5-Hidroksimetilfurfural/5-HMF 67-47-0 ishlab chiqarish narxi Etarli zaxira, yuqori sifat va tezroq yetkazib berish mavjud. Ko'proq chegirma bilan ko'proq miqdor. Har qanday talablar, istalgan vaqtda biz bilan bog'lanishga xush kelibsiz. Bog'lanish uchun ma'lumotlar WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype: + 86 131 6219 2651 Elektron pochta: alia@s...
    Ko'proq o'qish
  • Quinaldine / 2-Methylquinoline CAS 91-63-4 ishlab chiqarish narxi

    Quinaldine / 2-Methylquinoline CAS 91-63-4 ishlab chiqarish narxi Etarli zaxira, yuqori sifat va tezroq yetkazib berish mavjud. Ko'proq chegirma bilan ko'proq miqdor. Har qanday talablar, istalgan vaqtda biz bilan bog'lanishga xush kelibsiz. Bog'lanish uchun ma'lumotlar WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype: + 86 131 6219 2651 Elektron pochta: alia@stars...
    Ko'proq o'qish
  • Serium dioksidi 1306-38-3 zavod narxi

    Cerium dioxide 1306-38-3 factory price There are enough stock, high quality and faster delivery. More quantity with more discount. Any requirements, welcome to contact us at any time. Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: alia@starskychemical.com inf...
    Ko'proq o'qish
  • 3-metoksisalitsilaldehid 148-53-8 ishlab chiqarish narxi

    3-Methoxysalicylaldehyde 148-53-8 ishlab chiqarish narxi Etarli zaxira, yuqori sifat va tezroq yetkazib berish mavjud. Ko'proq chegirma bilan ko'proq miqdor. Har qanday talablar, istalgan vaqtda biz bilan bog'lanishga xush kelibsiz. Bog'lanish uchun ma'lumotlar WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype: + 86 131 6219 2651 Elektron pochta: alia@...
    Ko'proq o'qish
  • Arbutin 497-76-7 zavod narxi

    Arbutin 497-76-7 factory price There are enough stock, high quality and faster delivery. More quantity with more discount. Any requirements, welcome to contact us at any time. Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: alia@starskychemical.com info@starsk...
    Ko'proq o'qish
  • Bariy xromati 10294-40-3 ishlab chiqarish narxi

    Barium chromate 10294-40-3 manufacture price There are enough stock, high quality and faster delivery. More quantity with more discount. Any requirements, welcome to contact us at any time. Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: alia@starskychemical.com...
    Ko'proq o'qish
  • 2-merkaptobenzotiazol/MBT 149-30-4 ishlab chiqarish narxi

    2-Merkaptobenzotiazol/MBT 149-30-4 ishlab chiqarish narxi Etarli zaxira, yuqori sifat va tezroq yetkazib berish mavjud. Ko'proq chegirma bilan ko'proq miqdor. Har qanday talablar, istalgan vaqtda biz bilan bog'lanishga xush kelibsiz. Bog'lanish uchun ma'lumotlar WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype: + 86 131 6219 2651 Elektron pochta: alia@starskych...
    Ko'proq o'qish
  • Dimetil süksinat 106-65-0 ishlab chiqarish narxi

    Dimethyl succinate 106-65-0 manufacture price There are enough stock, high quality and faster delivery. More quantity with more discount. Any requirements, welcome to contact us at any time. Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: alia@starskychemical.co...
    Ko'proq o'qish
  • Furfuril spirti 98-00-0 zavod narxi

    Furfuryl alcohol 98-00-0 factory price There are enough stock, high quality and faster delivery. More quantity with more discount. Any requirements, welcome to contact us at any time. Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: alia@starskychemical.com inf...
    Ko'proq o'qish
  • Palladium pivalate 106224-36-6 zavod narxi

    Palladium pivalate 106224-36-6 factory price There are enough stock, high quality and faster delivery. More quantity with more discount. Any requirements, welcome to contact us at any time.  Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: alia@starskychemical.com...
    Ko'proq o'qish