Dietil Carbonate Cas 105-58-8
To'plam: 1 l / shisha, 25 l / barmog'i, 200 l / baraban
Quruq, soyali, shamollatilgan joyda saqlanadi.
1. Container: Store diethyl carbonate in airtight containers made of compatible materials such as glass or certain plastics. Konteyner aniq belgilanganligiga ishonch hosil qiling.

1. Normativ muvofiqlik: xavfli yuklarni tashish bo'yicha mahalliy, milliy va xalqaro qoidalarga rioya qilish. This includes following guidelines set by organizations such as the US Department of Transportation (DOT) or the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for air shipments.

Yes, diethyl carbonate is considered hazardous. Bu erda uning xavf-xatarlari haqida ba'zi muhim fikrlar mavjud:
2. Health Hazard: Exposure to diethyl carbonate may irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. Inhalation of vapors may cause dizziness, headache, or breathing problems. Uzoq vaqt yoki takroriy ta'sir qilish jiddiy sog'liqqa ta'sir qilishi mumkin.