Tellurium dioxide,ka mokhoa oa lik'hemik'hale oa TeO2 le nomoro ea CAS 7446-07-3, ke motsoako o seng o hohetse tlhokomelo likarolong tse sa tšoaneng tsa saense le tsa indasteri ka lebaka la thepa ea eona e ikhethang. Sengoliloeng sena se hlahloba ts'ebeliso ea tellurium dioxide, e totobatsa bohlokoa ba eona lits'ebetsong tse fapaneng.
1. Optical Kopo
E 'ngoe ea lisebelisoa tse tsebahalang haholo tsatellurium dioxidee lebaleng la optics. Ka lebaka la index ea eona e phahameng ea refractive le phallo e tlase, TeO2 e sebelisoa ho hlahisa likhalase tsa optical le lilense. Lisebelisoa tsena li bohlokoa bakeng sa ho etsa lisebelisoa tsa optical tse sebetsang hantle haholo, ho kenyelletsa le lasers, fiber optics le lits'ebetso tse ling tsa photonic. Tellurium dioxide e khona ho fetisa leseli la infrared e etsa hore e be ea bohlokoa ka ho khetheha ho infrared optics, moo e ka sebelisoang ho etsa likarolo tse ka mamellang mocheso o phahameng le maemo a thata.
2. Electronics le Semiconductors
Tellurium dioxidee boetse e bohlokoa haholo indastering ea lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki. E sebelisoa e le thepa ea dielectric ho li-capacitor le likarolo tse ling tsa elektroniki. Thepa e ikhethang ea motlakase ea komporo e etsa hore e tšoanelehe bakeng sa lits'ebetso tsa theknoloji ea semiconductor mme e ka sebelisoa ho etsa lifilimi le liphahlo tse matlafatsang ts'ebetso ea lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki. Ho feta moo, TeO2 e sebelisetsoa ho hlahisa li-semiconductors tse thehiloeng ho tellurium, tse bohlokoa bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse sa tšoaneng tsa elektronike tse kang lisele tsa photovoltaic le lisebelisoa tsa thermoelectric.
3. Khalase le Ceramics
Ka indasteri ea khalase le ea ceramic,tellurium dioxidee sebedisoa joalo ka phallo. E thusa ho theola ntlha ea ho qhibiliha ea khalase, ho etsa hore mokhoa oa ho etsa tlhahiso o sebetse hantle haholoanyane. Keketso ea TeO2 e ka ntlafatsa ho tšoarella ha lik'hemik'hale le botsitso ba mocheso oa lihlahisoa tsa khalase. Ho phaella moo, e sebelisetsoa ho hlahisa likhalase tse khethehileng, tse kang tse hlokahalang bakeng sa lisebelisoa tse phahameng tsa mocheso kapa tse hlokang ho bonts'a thepa e khethehileng ea optical.
4. Catalysis
Tellurium dioxidee bonts'itse bokhoni e le sesosa sa mefuta e fapaneng ea liphetoho tsa lik'hemik'hale. Thepa ea eona e ikhethang ea bokaholimo e ka khothaletsa karabelo ho organic synthesis, e etsa hore e be karolo ea bohlokoa ho nts'etsopele ea lits'ebetso tse ncha tsa lik'hemik'hale. Bafuputsi ba ntse ba lekola ts'ebeliso ea eona ho karabelo ea matla bakeng sa tlhahiso ea lik'hemik'hale tse ntle le meriana, moo ho sebetsa hantle le ho khetha ho leng bohlokoa.
5. Lipatlisiso le Ntlafatso
Lefapheng la lipatlisiso, tellurium dioxide e atisa ho ithutoa bakeng sa thepa ea eona e thahasellisang ea 'mele le ea lik'hemik'hale. Bo-rasaense ba ntse ba batlisisa hore na e ka sebelisoa joang ho nanotechnology, moo e ka sebelisoang ho etsa lisebelisoa tsa nanostructured tse nang le thepa e ikhethang ea elektronike le ea optical. Ho hlahlojoa ha TeO2 sebakeng sena ho ka lebisa tsoelo-peleng ea mekhoa e fapaneng ea theknoloji, ho kenyeletsa li-sensor, polokelo ea matla le mekhoa ea ho fetola.
6. Tšebeliso ea Tikoloho
Tšebeliso e ka bang teng ea tikoloho ea tellurium dioxide le eona e ntse e hlahlojoa. Thepa ea eona e ka sebelisoa ho etsa lisebelisoa tsa tokiso ea tikoloho, joalo ka tse monyang litšepe tse boima kapa lintho tse ling tse silafatsang ho tsoa mehloling ea metsi. Karolo ena ea TeO2 e bohlokoa ka ho khetheha molemong oa mathata a ntseng a eketseha a tikoloho le tlhoko ea litharollo tse tšoarellang.
Ha re phethela
Ka kakaretso,tellurium dioxide (CAS 7446-07-3)ke kompone e nang le mefuta e mengata e fapaneng ea ts'ebeliso liindastering tse fapaneng. Ho tloha ho optics le electronics ho ea ho catalysis le saense ea tikoloho, thepa ea eona e ikhethang e etsa hore e be thepa ea bohlokoa ho theknoloji ea morao-rao. Ha lipatlisiso li ntse li tsoela pele ho sibolla litšebeliso le lits'ebetso tse ncha, bohlokoa ba tellurium dioxide bo ka 'na ba eketseha, ho bula tsela bakeng sa litharollo tse ncha masimong a mangata.
Nako ea poso: Oct-24-2024