Diethyll Carbonate Cas 105-58-8

Katrangan Singkat:

Detail Produk

Tag Produk

Katrangan Product

CAS: 105-58-8

MW: 118.13

Titik lebur: -43 ° C

Paket: 1 l / botol, 25 l / drum, 200 l / drum


Item Spesifikasi
Penampilan Cairan tanpa warna
Kemurnian ≥99%
Werna (Co-PT) ≤20
Acidity (mgkoh / g) ≤0.2
Banyu ≤0.5%






Disimpen ing papan sing garing lan cethek.

1. Container: Store diethyl carbonate in airtight containers made of compatible materials such as glass or certain plastics. Priksa manawa wadhah kasebut cetha diwenehi label.



3. Ventilasi: Simpen ing wilayah sing apik kanggo nyegah akumulasi uap, sing bisa dibakar.






Alkohol phenethyl

1. Peratuhan peraturan: njamin kepatuhan karo peraturan lokal, nasional, lan internasional babagan transportasi barang sing mbebayani. This includes following guidelines set by organizations such as the US Department of Transportation (DOT) or the International Air Transport Association (IATA) for air shipments.

3. Label: Clearly label the packaging with correct hazard symbols and handling instructions. Iki kalebu nuduhake yen isi kasebut bisa dibakar lan bisa mbebayani yen dihirup utawa ditelan.



Yes, diethyl carbonate is considered hazardous. Mangkene sawetara perkara penting babagan bahaya:

2. Health Hazard: Exposure to diethyl carbonate may irritate the skin, eyes, and respiratory system. Inhalation of vapors may cause dizziness, headache, or breathing problems. Eksposisi sing dawa utawa bola-bali bisa nyebabake efek kesehatan sing luwih serius.


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