Bis (triphenhthosphine) palladium (ii) klorida 13965-03-2

BIS (triphenhthosphine) palladium (ii) klorida 13965-03-2 gambar sing ditampilake

Katrangan Singkat:

Bis (triphenhthosphine) palladium (ii) klorida 13965-03-2

  • Jeneng Produk:BIS (triphenhthosphine) palladium (ii) klorida
  • CAS:13965-03-2
  • Mf:C36h30cl2p2pd
  • Mw:701.9
  • EineCs:237-744-2
  • Watak:Produsen
  • Paket:1 kg / botol utawa 25 kg / drum
  • Detail Produk

    Tag Produk


    Product Product

    Jeneng Produk: BIS (triphenhthosphine) palladium (ii) klorida

    CAS: 13965-03-2

    Mf: c36h30cl2p2pd

    MW: 701.9

    EineCE: 237-744-2

    Nelting Point: 260 ° C

    RTECS: RT3578000

    Temp: Simpen ing ngisor + 30 ° C.

    Formulir: bubuk

    Werna: kuning

    Sensitif: Hygroscopic


    Item Spesifikasi
    Penampilan Wêdakakêna Kuning
    Jeneng Produk BIS (triphenhthosphine) palladium (ii) klorida
    Cas 13965-03-2
    MF C36h30cl2p2pd
    MW 701.9
    EineCS 237-744-2
    Kemurnian 99% min


    1. Reaksi Suzuki;

    2 .. Digunakake utamane ing reaksi katalitik organiketik amarga isine palladium saka senyawa.

    3 .. Sampeyan uga melu struktur kristal saka komplek tallacyclic sing nuduhake antiinflamisatory lan antifungal



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