Salicylic acid CAS 69-72-7

Salicylic Acid CAS 69-72-7 Featured Duab

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:

Salicylic acid CAS 69-72-7 yog ib qho tseem ceeb raw rau cov tshuaj zoo xws li cov tshuaj tshuaj, tshuaj tsw qab, zas, thiab roj hmab ntxiv.

  • Khoom npe:Cov kua qaub acidic
  • CAS:69-72-7
  • Mf:C7h6o3
  • Mw:138.12
  • Einecs:200-712-3
  • Melting taw tes:158-161 ° C (Lit.)
  • Boiling taw tes:211 ° C (Lit.)
  • Pob:25 kg / hnab
  • Khoom Qhia Qhia

    Khoom Ntawv

    Kev piav txog

    Khoom npe: salicylic acid
    CAS: 69-72-7
    Mf: c7h6o3
    MW: 138.12
    Einecs: 200-712-3
    Melting Taw tes: 158-161 ° C (Lit.)
    Boint Taw tes: 211 ° C (Lit.)
    Saib ceev: 1.44
    Vapor ceev: 4.8 (vs huab cua)
    Vapor siab: 1 hli HG (114 ° C)
    Refacking Index: 1,565
    FP: 157 ° C
    Cia Temp: 2-8 ° C

    Kev qhia tshwj xeeb

    Khoom npe Cov kua qaub acidic
    Cas 69-72-7
    Kev tshwm sim Cov muaju dawb muaju lossis hmoov
    MF C7h6o3
    Lub thawv 25 kg / hnab

    Daim ntawv thov

    Salicylic acid yog ib qho khoom siv tseem ceeb rau cov tshuaj zoo xws li tshuaj, naj hoom, dyes thiab roj hmab ntxiv.


    Cov kev lag luam kws tshuaj siv tau tsim los tsim Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, lom zem heev dyes thiab acid mordant dyes, nrog rau cov tshuaj tsw qab.


    Cov kua roj salicylic yog ib qho tseem ceeb organic hluavtaws cov khoom siv tau dav siv hauv cov tshuaj, roj hmab, zas xim, thiab kev lag luam.
    Hauv kev lag luam kws tshuaj, cov tshuaj tseem ceeb siv rau kev tsim cov roj salicylic acid suav nrog cov ntsev roj carricylate), acetylsalicylate acid), tshuaj ntsuab, phenyl salicylate, thiab lwm yam.

    Chaw ntim khoom

    Lub Chaw Ua Si Chaw Cua Chaw, Tsis Muaj Kub Kub Tshuab Qhuav

    Kev tiv toj

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