
  • 2-Ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphite CAS 15647-08-2 / dpop

    2-Ethylhexyl diphenyl phosphite CAS 15647-08-2 / dpop

    2-Ethylhexyl diphenyl photphite CAS 15647-08-2 yog feem ntau ib qho tsis muaj xim rau cov kua daj me ntsis. Nws yog siv los ua cov stabilizer thiab antioxidant nyob rau hauv ntau cov ntawv thov, tshwj xeeb hauv kev plastics thiab polymers

    2-Ethylhexyl phosphite feem ntau suav hais tias soluble hauv cov kuab tshuaj ethanol, acetone, thiab lwm cov kuab tshuaj tsis yog-polar. Txawm li cas los xij, nws yog feem ntau insoluble hauv dej.

  • Tetramethyllide / Acceler TMTD CAS 137-26-8

    Tetramethyllide / Acceler TMTD CAS 137-26-8

    Tetramethylthiuram Disulfide TMTD yog dawb rau off-dawb crystalline khoom. Nws feem ntau yog siv los ua cov roj av nrawm thiab muaj cov yam ntxwv tsw ntxhiab. Nws cov ntaub ntawv ntshiab yog hmoov lossis granules.

    Ceev nrawm TMTD CAS 137-26-8 feem ntau insoluble hauv dej. Txawm li cas los xij, nws yog soluble hauv cov kuab tshuaj organic xws li acetone, benzene, thiab chloroform. Nws cov khoom siv solubility ua rau nws muaj txiaj ntsig zoo rau cov kev siv roj hmab ntau yam, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog hauv kev lag luam roj hmab.

  • Nonivamide / capsaiicin CAS 2444-46-4

    Nonivamide / capsaiicin CAS 2444-46-4

    Nonomamide yog cov kev ua siab zoo, cov khoom zoo, tus nqi qis thiab ntau yam ntawm cov kev siv.

    Capsaicin siv los ua cov khoom siv ntawm cov khoom siv tshiab ntsuab thiab ib puag ncig zoo nkauj rau ib puag ncig xyoob ntoo.

  • Diethyl Glutarate CAS 818-38-2

    Diethyl Glutarate CAS 818-38-2

    Diethyl Glutarate yog tsis muaj xim rau cov kua daj daj nrog cov txiv tsw qab. Nws yog tus ester tsim los ntawm glutaric acid thiab ethanol. Hais txog nws lub cev cov khoom, feem ntau nws muaj viscosity qis thiab soluble hauv cov kuab tshuaj organic.

    Diethyl glutarate feem ntau soluble hauv cov kuab tshuaj muaj zog xws li ethanol, acetone, thiab diethy ether. Txawm li cas los xij, nws muaj kev txwv solubility hauv dej. Nws cov solubility hauv organic cov kuab tshuaj ua rau nws muaj txiaj ntsig zoo rau cov kev siv, suav nrog raws li cov kuab tshuaj thiab hauv cov qauv ntawm qee yam khoom.

  • N n-diethyl-m-tolaja / CAS 134-62-3 / deet

    N n-diethyl-m-tolaja / CAS 134-62-3 / deet

    N, N-diethyl-Meta-Tolajamide, feem ntau yog hu ua DEET, yog ib qho tsis muaj xim daj ua kua daj. Nws muaj ntxhiab tsw ntxhiab tsw ntxhiab. Nws cov qauv tshuaj muaj cov cuab yeej toluene, ob pawg neeg ua thawj coj, thiab ib pawg neeg ua haujlwm rau sawv daws, uas ua rau nws cov tshuaj tua kab. Hauv nws daim ntawv ntshiab, DEET feem ntau yog lo thiab roj.

    N, n-diethyl-Meta-Tolaja-tolajide (deet) feem ntau suav hais tias yog soluble hauv cov kuab tshuaj ethanol, acetone, thiab chloroform. Txawm li cas los xij, nws solubility hauv dej yog txwv. Tshwj xeeb, DEET tsuas yog me ntsis soluble hauv dej, lub ntsiab lus nws tsis liam zoo hauv cov kev daws teeb meem aqueous. Cov cuab yeej no yog ib qho ntawm cov laj thawj yog tias nws ua tau zoo li cov tshuaj tua kab, vim nws nyob ntawm daim tawv nqaij thiab tsis yooj yim ntxuav tawm.

  • Dysprosium oxide CAS 1308-87-8

    Dysprosium oxide CAS 1308-87-8

    Dysprosium oxide CAS 1308-87-8 (DY2O3) feem ntau yog dawb rau daj ntseg daj hmoov. Nws yog lub ntiaj teb tsis tshua muaj tshuaj oxide uas kuj tseem muaj lub huuag greenish nyob ntawm nws txoj kev coj dawb huv thiab lub xub ntiag ntawm impurities. Dysprosium oxide tshwm sim raws li muaj xim tsis muaj xim lossis dawb.

    Dysprosium oxide (DY2O3) yog feem ntau suav tias yog insoluble hauv dej. Nws tsis yog soluble hauv dej los yog feem ntau cov kuab tshuaj organic. Txawm li cas los xij, nws tuaj yeem ua kom yaj nyob rau hauv cov muaj zog acids, xws li hydrochloric acid (HCl) thiab nitric acid (HNO3), los ua cov ntsev dysprosium.

  • 4-methoxyphenol CAS 150-76-5

    4-methoxyphenol CAS 150-76-5

    4-methoxyphenol CAS 150-76-5 yog dawb rau daj ntseg daj crystalline khoom. 4-methoxyphenol muaj cov yam ntxwv tsw ntxhiab tsw qab ntxhiab tsw ntxhiab tsw.

    4-methoxyphenol yog soluble hauv cov kuab tshuaj organic thiab muaj kev txwv solubility hauv dej. Hauv nws lub xeev ntshiab, nws yog siv nyob rau ntau yam kev siv, suav nrog ua antioxidant thiab nyob rau hauv synthesis ntawm lwm cov tebchaw.

    4-methoxyphenol muaj ib pawg solubility hauv dej, kwv yees li 1.5 g / l ntawm 25 ° C. Nws yog ntau soluble hauv cov kuab tshuaj yeeb yaj kiab xws li ethanol, methanol, thiab acetone. Qhov kev ua yeeb yaj kiab no tso cai rau nws siv ntau yam kev siv, suav nrog ua ib nrab hauv cov khoom siv hluav taws xob thiab hauv cov qauv uas tuaj yeem ua rau muaj cov organic xov xwm.

  • 4-Methylanisole CAS 104-93-8

    4-Methylanisole CAS 104-93-8

    4-Methylanisole CAS 104-93-8 Kuj yog P-Methylanole, 4-Methylanisole, 4-Methylanisole yog ib qho tsis muaj xim daj ua kua daj nrog cov yam ntxwv tsw tsw. Qhov sib xyaw ua ke yog ib qho kev ua haujlwm ntawm cov pab pawg methyl tau hloov hauv Para txoj haujlwm tus txheeb ze rau pawg methoxy. Nws yog nquag siv hauv kev lag luam naj hoom thiab raws li cov kuab tshuaj nyob hauv ntau yam kev siv.

    4-Methylanisole yog feem ntau suav hais tias soluble hauv cov kuab tshuaj organic xws li ethanol, ether, thiab chloroform. Txawm li cas los xij, vim nws hydrophobic xwm, nws muaj tsawg solubility hauv dej. Solubility tuaj yeem sib txawv nrog qhov kub thiab txias thiab muaj lwm yam tshuaj.

  • Butyl Isocyanate Cas 111-36-4

    Butyl Isocyanate Cas 111-36-4

    Butyl Isocyanate Cas 111-36-4 yog tus tsis muaj xim rau lub teeb daj ua kua nrog cov xeeb ceem tsw. Nws yog ib qho isocyanate sib xyaw uas feem ntau muaj cov ntxhiab pungent. This liquid is known for its reactivity and is used in a variety of chemical applications, including the production of polyurethanes and other polymers.

    Butyl Isocyanate yog feem ntau suav tias yog insoluble hauv dej. Txawm li cas los xij, nws yog soluble hauv cov kuab tshuaj organic xws li dej cawv, muaj kev nyab xeeb, thiab ntxhiab hydrocarbons. Nws cov solubility qis hauv dej yog ib txwm muaj ntawm ntau isocyanate tebchaw, uas zoo li yuav tshaj nrog tsis-polar lossis me ntsis ncov qaumteb qab zib.

  • N-methylformamide / CAS 123-39-7 / NMF

    N-methylformamide / CAS 123-39-7 / NMF

    N-metylformamide (NMF) yog ib qho tsis muaj xim rau cov kua daj daj nrog lub teeb amine-zoo li tsw. Nws yog cov qib polvent uas feem ntau siv nyob rau hauv ntau cov tshuaj siv tshuaj lom neeg. Qhov sib xyaw ua ke muaj qhov viscosity tsawg thiab yog hygroscopic, lub ntsiab lus nws nqus dej noo los ntawm huab cua.

    N-metylformamide (nmf) yog soluble heev hauv dej, nrog rau cov tshuaj lom organic xws li dej cawv thiab cov neeg siv hluav taws xob thiab hydrocarbons. Nws cov khoom siv zom ua ke pub nws cuam tshuam nrog ob qho tib si polar thiab cov khoom tsis yog-polar, ua rau nws muaj ntau yam ntawm cov txheej txheem tshuaj lom neeg.

  • N-iodosuccinimide CAS 516-12-12-1

    N-iodosuccinimide CAS 516-12-12-1

    N-iodosuccinimide (nis) yog ib tug dawb kom tawm-dawb crystalline khoom. Nws feem ntau pom tias yog cov hmoov lossis muaju me me. NIS feem ntau siv los ua cov reagent hauv cov khoom siv hauv Suav teb, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog halogen cuam tshuam. Nws yuav tsum daws nrog kev saib xyuas raws li nws yog reactive thiab tej zaum yuav muaj kev phom sij rau kev noj qab haus huv.

    N-iodosuccinimide (NCE) feem ntau soluble hauv cov kuab tshuaj polar xws li dej, methanol, thiab ethanol. Txawm li cas los xij, nws cov solubility sib txawv nyob ntawm cov mob tshwj xeeb xws li kub thiab siab.

  • Tianeptine ntsev ntsev ua 30123-17-2

    Tianeptine ntsev ntsev ua 30123-17-2

    Tianeptine ntsev ntsev 30123-17-2 feem ntau yog ib tug dawb rau kev nplua-dawb crystalline hmoov. Nws yog ntsev los ntawm tianeptine, ib tug antidepressant. Cov tsos yuav sib txawv me ntsis nyob ntawm cov txheej txheem tshwj xeeb thiab cov chaw tsim khoom, tab sis feem ntau pom los ntawm nws cov qauv siv lead ua.

    Tianeptine sodium ntsev feem ntau yog soluble hauv dej. Nws muaj kev ua haujlwm zoo vim nws cov ntsev ntsev ntsev, uas ua rau cov solubility hauv cov kua aqueous. Cov cuab yeej no ua rau nws haum rau ntau yam ntawm cov tshuaj paus tshuaj.


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