Phenyl cloroformate 1885-14-9

Phenyl cloroformate 1885-14-9 featured duab

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:

Phenyl cloroformate 1885-14-9

  • Khoom npe:Phenylof chloroformate
  • CAS:1885-14-9
  • Mf:C7h55Clo2
  • Mw:156.57
  • Einecs:217-547-8
  • Cwj pwm:tus tsim
  • Pob:25 kg / nruas lossis 200 kg / nruas
  • Khoom Qhia Qhia

    Khoom Ntawv

    Kev piav txog

    Khoom npe: Phenyl cloroformate

    CAS: 1885-14-9

    Mf: c7h55555555555555

    MW: 156.57

    Quav: 1.088 g / ml

    Melting taw tes: -28 ° C

    Boint Taw tes: 74-75 ° C

    Pob: 1 L / Lub raj mis, 25 L / Nruas, 200 l / Nruas

    Kev qhia tshwj xeeb

    Cov khoom Cov lus qhia
    Kev tshwm sim Tsis muaj kob lossis daj ua kua
    Kev coj dawb huv ≥99.5%
    Xim (Co-Pt) 50
    Cov acidity(mgkoh / g) I≤0.1
    Ywg dej I≤0.5%

    Daim ntawv thov

    Nws tuaj yeem raug siv ua polymerization catalyst, kev hloov kho yas, thiab nruab nrab ntawm cov tshuaj thiab tshuaj tua kab.

    Ntiag tug

    Nws yog insoluble hauv dej, soluble hauv ethanol, ether, soluble ether.

    Chaw ntim khoom

    Khaws cia rau ntawm qhov chaw qhuav, cov duab ntxoo, muaj qhov cua.


    Daim tawv nqaij tiv toj:Hle cov khaub ncaws tsis huv tam sim ntawd thiab yaug kom huv si nrog ntau cov dej ntws ntau.
    Qhov muag Hu:Nqa tam sim ntawd daim tawv muag thiab yaug nrog dej ntws lossis dej qab zib ib txwm muaj li 15 feeb.
    Inhalation:Tawm ntawm qhov chaw sai sai rau ib qho chaw nrog huab cua ntshiab. Kom sov thiab muab cov pa thaum ua pa nyuaj. Ib zaug ua pa nres, pib CPR tam sim ntawd. Nrhiav kev kho mob.
    Kev noj haus:Yog tias koj coj nws yuam kev, muab koj lub qhov ncauj tam sim ntawd thiab haus mis lossis haus dawb. Nrhiav kev kho mob.

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