Methyl Butyrate 623-42-7

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:

Methyl Butyrate 623-42-7

  • Khoom npe:Methyl Butyrate
  • CAS:623-42-7
  • Mf:C5H10o2
  • Mw:102.13
  • Einecs:210-792-1
  • Cwj pwm:tus tsim
  • Pob:1 kg / kg lossis 25 kg / nruas
  • Khoom Qhia Qhia

    Khoom Ntawv

    Kev piav txog

    Khoom npe: methyl butyrate
    CAS: 623-42-7
    Mf: c5h10o2
    MW: 102.13
    Ceev: 0.898 g / ml
    Melting taw tes: -85 ° C
    Pob: 1 L / Lub raj mis, 25 L / Nruas, 200 l / Nruas
    Cov cuab yeej: nws yog miscible hauv ethanol thiab ether, me ntsis soluble hauv dej.

    Kev qhia tshwj xeeb

    Cov khoom
    Cov lus qhia
    Kev tshwm sim
    Muaj kua tsis muaj xim
    Xim (Co-Pt)
    150 Cov Ntaub Ntawv
    Kev coj dawb huv
    Ywg dej


    Daim ntawv thov

    Nws tuaj yeem raug siv los ua cov kuab tshuaj ntawm cov tshuaj phais tshuaj, nitrocoidose thiab celluloid, thiab cov kua txiv thiab kua txiv ntoo.

    Nyiaj them

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    7, Western Union

    8, MoneyGram

    9, ntxiv rau, qee zaum peb kuj lees txais Bitcoin.

    Chaw ntim khoom

    Lub khw muag khoom yog ventilated thiab qhuav ntawm qhov kub tsawg.

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