Cyclohexapentylose 10016-20-3

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:

Cyclohexapentylose 10016-20-3

  • Khoom npe:Cyclohexapentylose
  • CAS:10016-20-3
  • Mf:C36 H60 o30
  • Mw:972.84
  • Einecs:233-007-4
  • Cwj pwm:tus tsim
  • Pob:1 kg / kg lossis 25 kg / nruas
  • Khoom Qhia Qhia

    Khoom Ntawv

    Kev piav txog

    Khoom npe: cyclohexapentylose
    CAS: 10016-20-3
    Einecs: 233-007-4
    Melting taw tes:> 278 ° C (Dec.) (Lit.)
    BLAIL NTAM: 784.04 ° C (ntxhib kwv yees)
    Ceev: 1.2580 (ntxhib kwv yees)
    Refuntion Index: 1.7500 (kwv yees)
    Cia Temp: 2-8 ° C
    Solubility H2O: 50 MG / ML
    PKA: 11.77 ± 0.70 (kwv yees)
    Daim Ntawv: Hmoov
    Xim: Dawb
    PH: 5.0-8.0 (1% hauv kev daws teeb meem)
    Dej Solubility: soluble hauv dej ntawm 1% (w / v)
    Merck: 14,2718
    BNN: 4227442

    Kev qhia tshwj xeeb

    Khoom npe Cyclohexapentylose
    Kev tshwm sim Dawb crystalline hmoov
    Kev coj dawb huv 99% min
    MW 972.84
    MF C36 H60 o30
    Lub thawv 1 kg / hnab lossis 25 kg / nruas lossis raws li cov neeg siv khoom

    Daim ntawv thov

    1. Biochemical Kev Tshawb Fawb

    2. Cyclodextrin yog tus tswv tsev zoo ib yam ib yam ib yam li ib qho enzyme pom kom deb li deb, thiab nws muaj cov yam ntxwv ntawm tus qauv enzyme. Yog li ntawd, nyob rau hauv daim teb catalysis, sib cais, khoom noj thiab tshuaj, cyclodextrin tau txais kev saib xyuas zoo thiab siv dav. Ntxiv rau cov yam ntxwv thiab siv ntawm lwm cov CDs, α-CD muaj cov kab ke me dua β-colecules ntawm cov suav nrog, thiab cov ntawv thov uas xav tau CD solubility.

    3. Tsim nyog rau high-end-ends flavors, cov ntxhiab tsw, tshuaj pleev ib ce thiab kws tshuaj.

    Nyiaj them

    1, t / t

    2, l / c

    3, vixaj

    4, credit card

    5, paypal

    6, Alibaba Kev Tsim Kho Kev Lag Luam

    7, Western Union

    8, MoneyGram

    9, ntxiv rau, qee zaum peb kuj lees txais Bitcoin.

    Chaw ntim khoom

    Khw ntawm RT.

    Kev piav qhia ntawm tsim nyog ua ntej kev pab ntsuas

    Ua pa
    Yog nqus tau, txav tus neeg mob mus rau cua tshiab. Yog tias koj tsum tsis ua pa, muab ua pa tawm dag zog.
    Daim tawv nqaij tiv tauj
    Yaug nrog xab npum thiab dej kom ntau.
    qhov muag hu
    Yaug qhov muag nrog dej raws li kev tiv thaiv kev tiv thaiv.
    Kev noj
    Tsis txhob pub dab tsi los ntawm lub qhov ncauj rau tus neeg tsis nco qab lawm. Yaug koj lub qhov ncauj nrog dej.

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