Phenothiazine CAS 92-84-2 Chaw Tsim Tshuaj nqe

Cov lus piav qhia luv luv:

Phenothiazine CAS 92-84-2 Lub Hoobkas Khoom Siv

  • Khoom npe:Phenothieszine
  • CAS:92-84-2
  • Mf:C12h9ns
  • Mw:199.27
  • Einecs:202-196-5
  • Cwj pwm:tus tsim
  • Pob:1 kg / kg lossis 25 kg / nruas
  • Khoom Qhia Qhia

    Khoom Ntawv

    Kev piav txog

    Khoom npe: phenothiazine
    CAS: 92-84-2
    Mf: c12h9ns
    MW: 199.27
    Einecs: 202-196-5
    Melting taw tes: 184 ° C
    Boint Taw tes: 371 ° C (Lit.)
    Saib ceev: 1.362
    Cov ntsiab lus tsis pub: 1.6353
    FP: 202 ° C
    Cia Temp: khw hauv qab + 30 ° C.
    Solubility: 0.127mg / l
    PKA: PKA 2.52 (tsis paub tseeb)
    Dej Solubility: 2 mg / l (25 ºC)
    Merck: 14,7252
    BN: 143237

    Kev qhia tshwj xeeb

    Khoom npe Phenothieszine
    Kev tshwm sim Daj Crystalline hmoov
    Kev coj dawb huv 99% min
    MW 199.27
    Melting taw tes 371 ° C (Lit.)

    Daim ntawv thov

    Phenothiazine yog ib nrab ntawm cov tshuaj zoo xws li tshuaj thiab dyes.

    Nws tus kheej yog ib qho kev pab cuam hluavtaws (polymerization inhiboritor rau kev tsim cov ntaub ntawv vinylon), ntoo ntoo tshuaj thiab cov kws kho tsiaj kab tsuag.

    Nws muaj qhov cuam tshuam loj heev rau cov pausic contortus, nodular nodular cua, nematodes, Xia Nematodes, thiab nyias nqaij xwm Nematodes ntawm yaj.

    Chaw ntim khoom

    Cov khoom no yuav tsum tau muab ntim rau hauv qhov chaw txias, qhuav thiab muaj tshuab kom qhuav. Nruj me ntsis tiv thaiv noo noo thiab dej, tso tshuaj pleev thaiv hnub, thiab kom deb ntawm hluav taws thiab cov khoom cua sov. Maj mam thauj khoom thiab tsis tsim nyog thaum lub sijhawm thauj mus los tiv thaiv kev puas tsuaj rau lub pob.

    Ruaj khov

    1. Kev khaws cia ntev hauv cov cua yog qhov yooj yim rau oxidize thiab cov xim ua tsaus dua, nrog sublimation. Nws muaj qhov tsaus muag peculabor tsw thiab yog khaus rau daim tawv nqaij. Nws yog kev sib txuas ua ke nyob rau hauv cov ntaub ntawv ntawm qhib nplaim taws thiab siab kub.

    2. Tshuaj lom zem, tshwj xeeb tshaj yog cov khoom ua tau zoo sib xyaw nrog cov diphenylamine, yuav yog tshuaj lom yog tias noj lossis nqus tau. Cov khoom no tuaj yeem nqus tau los ntawm daim tawv nqaij, ua rau tawv nqaij ua xua, kev ua phem rau cov plaub hau thiab cov tawv nqaij, thiab mob ntsws, mob plab, thiab tachycardia. Cov neeg ua haujlwm yuav tsum hnav cov iav tiv thaiv. Cov neeg uas tau coj nws los ntawm kev yuam kev yuav tsum muaj mob plab hnyuv sai sai rau kev kuaj mob thiab kev kho mob.


    Daim tawv nqaij tiv thaiv: hle tawm cov khaub ncaws tsis huv thiab yaug kom huv si nrog xab npum thiab dej.
    Qhov muag Hu: tam sim ntawd qhib lub ntsej muag sab sauv thiab qis dua thiab yaug nrog dej ntws rau 15 feeb. Nrhiav kev kho mob.
    Inhalation: nrawm nrawm ntawm qhov chaw nrog cua ntshiab. Muab cov pa thaum ua pa nyuaj. Ib zaug ua pa nres, pib CPR tam sim ntawd. Nrhiav kev kho mob.
    Kev noj haus: Yaug lub qhov ncauj nrog dej thiab nrhiav kev kho mob yog noj los ntawm kev ua yuam kev.

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