Naidheachdan companaidh

  • Piperonyl alcol 495-76-1 prìs factaraidh

    Piperonyl alcohol 495-76-1 manufacture There are enough stock, high quality and faster delivery. More quantity with more discount. Any requirements, welcome to contact us at any time.   Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: in...
    Leugh tuilleadh

    Factory price 38103-06-9 BPADA  There are enough stock, high quality and faster delivery. More quantity with more discount. Any requirements, welcome to contact us at any time.   Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: info@star...
    Leugh tuilleadh

    Manufacture price 7158-32-9 DEDC There is a new batch in stock, High quality and faster delivery, if you need it, welcome to contact us at any time.  Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: Website www...
    Leugh tuilleadh
  • 4- (6-ACRYLOXY-HEX-1-YL-OXY)PHENOL (6HPHA) 161841-12-9

    Factory price 6HPHA 161841-12-9 There is enough stock, high quality and faster delivery. If you need it, welcome to contact us at any time.  Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: Website www.starskyc...
    Leugh tuilleadh
  • Prìs factaraidh Tetrahydrofuran THF 109-99-9 leaghan

    Tetrahydrofuran THF 109-99-9 High quality and faster delivery, more quantity with more discount.  If you have requirements, welcome to contact us at any time.  Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: W...
    Leugh tuilleadh
  • Tropic acid 529-64-6 factaraidh prìs

    Raw material Tropic acid 529-64-6 There is 1500 kg in stock, high quality and faster delivery.  Any new requirements, welcome to contact us at any time.    Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: ...
    Leugh tuilleadh
  • Pùdar tropinone 532-24-1 prìs saothrachaidh

    Raw material Tropinone 532-24-1   There is 1000 kg in stock, high quality and faster delivery. Don’t miss it.  If you need it, please feel free to contact us at any time.    Contacting Information WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype:  + 86 131 6219 2651 Email: ...
    Leugh tuilleadh
  • Stuth amh Tropine 120-29-6 prìs factaraidh

    Pùdar tropine CAS 120-29-6 Tha 2000 kg ann an stoc, faodar a chuir air falbh nas luaithe agus barrachd meud le barrachd lasachaidh. Na caill e. Feumalachdan ùra sam bith, na bi leisg fios a chuir thugainn aig àm sam bith. Fiosrachadh conaltraidh WhatsApp/Wechat/Skype: + 86 131 6219 2651 Post-d: alia@stars...
    Leugh tuilleadh
  • AMP 95 / 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propano 124-68-5

    AMP 95 /2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propano 124-68-5 一.Description Ainm toraidh: 2-Amino-2-methyl-1-propanol CAS:124-68-5 MF:C4H11NO MW:89.14 Dùmhlachd : 0.934 g / ml Puing leaghaidh: 24-28 ° C Pasgan: 1 L / botal, 25 L / druma, 200 L / druma Seilbh: Faodaidh e a bhith measgaichte le uisge agus solubhail ann an deoch làidir. Tha. Sònraichte...
    Leugh tuilleadh
  • Sweetener Bidhe Sucralose CAS 56038-13-2

    Sucralose Sweetener Food Sweetener CAS 56038-13-2 Sucralose ann an Stock Factory GMP agus Sweetener Powder Sucralose . Lìbhrigeadh nas luaithe agus stoc gu leòr. Na caill e. Fàilte fios a chur thugainn.. 一. Tuairisgeul Ainm toraidh: Sucralose CAS: 56038-13-2 MF: C12H19Cl3O8 MW: 397.63 EINECS: 259-952-2 Poi leaghaidh ...
    Leugh tuilleadh
  • NHU Cis-3-Hexenol CAS: 928-96-1 China Factory

    Nhu Original 99% Cis-3-Hexenol CAS: 928-96-1 Chan eil ach 1000 kg ann an stoc. lìbhrigeadh nas luaithe. Na caill e. 一. Tuairisgeul Ainm toraidh: Deoch-làidir duilleach / cis-3-Hexen-1-ol CAS: 928-96-1 MF: C6H12O MW: 100.16 EINECS: 213-192-8 Puing leaghaidh: 22.55 ° C (tuairmse) Goil puing: 156- ...
    Leugh tuilleadh
  • Prìs factaraidh UV monomer mòr-reic

    Prìs factaraidh Slàn-reic monomer UV Seo baidse ùr de thoraidhean monomer UV. Càileachd àrd, prìs farpaiseach, lìbhrigeadh luath, dòighean pàighidh sùbailte. Mar as motha meud, barrachd lasachaidh, riatanasan ùra sam bith. Na bi leisg fios a chuir thugainn aig àm sam bith. Alia / Manaidsear Reic QQ: 3118705470...
    Leugh tuilleadh