Tha an àireamh CAS deIs e sodium stannate trihydrate 12058-66-1.
na stuth geal criostalach a thathas a’ cleachdadh gu cumanta ann am mòran phròiseasan gnìomhachais. Is e todhar ioma-chruthach a th’ ann le tagraidhean ann an grunn ghnìomhachasan, a ’toirt a-steach cinneasachadh ceirmeag, glainne, agus dathan.
Is e aon de na prìomh chleachdaidhean a tha aigTha e ann an riochdachadh ceramic. It is a key component in the glazing process, which gives ceramics their unique appearance and durability. The compound helps to strengthen the glaze and reduce its porosity, which makes the resulting ceramics more resistant to cracks and chips.
Tha e cuideachd air a chleachdadh ann an dèanamh dathan. It is a key ingredient in many dye formulations, particularly those that are used to color textiles. The compound helps to bind the dye molecules to the fabric, which makes the resulting color more durable and resistant to fading.
Sodium stanate trihydratechaidh a chleachdadh cuideachd ann an cuid de leigheasan meidigeach. It has been shown to have antiviral properties, and has been used as a treatment for viral infections such as hepatitis B and C.
A dh'aindeoin na buannachdan iomadach
Uile gu lèir,na stuth ioma-ghnìomhach agus feumail aig a bheil mòran thagraidhean gnìomhachais agus meidigeach. While it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with its use, its many benefits make it a valuable tool in a variety of fields.